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Dried Blood Spot (DBS) for Doping Controls

The innovative Dried Blood Spot (DBS) testing method refers to a blood sample that is collected and allowed to dry on an absorbent sample support.
According to the information published in WADA’s Technical Document (TD2021DBS), which will be later explained in more detail, it is possible to extract meaningful information and come up with some conclusions about the advantages of using the DBS sample collection process, and those are the following:
- · Less invasive method (a better athlete experience)
- · Less impact on sample collection process (finger prick/upper arm prick)
- · Capillary blood sample collection (very small blood volume)
- · Less expensive collection and transport of samples (cost effectiveness)
- · Improvement of storage and conservation conditions for the sample (less degradation)
- · Possibility of being performed by a DCO (according to WADA regulations)
The already mentioned Technical Document (TD2021DBS) was approved by the World Anti-Doping Agency on the 01/09/2021 and aims to harmonize the Dried Blood Spot (DBS) testing by providing Anti-Doping Organizations (ADOs) and WADA-Accredited laboratories with specific requirements and procedures for these new sample collection, transport, analysis and storage processes.

The most relevant content is found in this official document and is structured as follows:
- Introduction and Scope
- Conducting the DBS Sample Collection Session
- Requirements for Transport of DBS Samples and Documentation
- Analytical Testing of DBS Samples
- Storage of DBS Samples
For more information, please, check the official World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) website.