Tag Archives: Doping Controls

Gota de Sangre Seca (GSS) para Controles de Dopaje

The innovative Dried Blood Spot (DBS) testing method refers to a blood sample that is collected and allowed to dry on an absorbent sample support. According to the information published in WADA’s Technical Document (TD2021DBS), which will be later explained in more detail, it is possible to extract meaningful information and come up with some…

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Cómo realizar un Control de Dopaje

Accurate and effective doping control procedures are essential to maintaining fairness and integrity in sport. For these reasons, there are specific steps to be followed by the athlete, the Doping Control Officer (DCO) and any other party who is involved in a doping control process, which are the following: Notification Reporting to Doping Control Station (DCS) Sample…

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