Curriculum Vitae
Work Experience
2016 - Current
Professional Worldwide Controls (PWC)Anti-Doping Specialist & DCO
Planning and Coordination of Anti-Doping testing (Urine and Blood) within the Spanish National territory and internationally, both 'In Competition' and 'Out of Competition'. Administration and documentation management of confidential information. Recruitment and training of new Anti-Doping Officers. Mobile Anti-Doping Controls (MODOC) training in different languages.
- CONMEBOL (Copa América 2019)
- ITA/JADA (Olympic & Paralympic Games, Tokyo 2020)
- ITA (Winter Olympic Games, Beijing 2022)
- WA/AIU (World Athletics Race Walking Team Championships, Muscat 2022)
- NADA/PWC (European Championships Munich 2022)

2019 - 2024
Centro de Estudios Garrigues (CEG)MBA in Sports, Business & Law Lecturer (Anti-Doping)
MBA in Sports Business & Law, specifically intended to train future sports industry professionals at global level on the most complex technical and current and coming up issues.
- World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA)
- ADAMS (Anti-Doping Administration & Management System)
- Testing Planning
- Rules & Regulations

2015 - 2016
Bureau VeritasInspections Coordinator (International Department)
Planning and Coordination of technical inspections within the Spanish national territory and internationally (Quality certifications). Administration and documentary management of a confidential nature. Controlling, reports management and design of recruitment and training materials.

2014 - 2015
Database management of confidential information about Aerospace Engineering projects (RTM322, TP400 and JSF), administrative tasks with office and management programs, United Kingdom (England).
- PLM (Product Lifecycle Management Teamcenter)
- DOORS (Dynamic Object-Oriented Requirements System)
- JSF (Joint Strike Fighter) Induction

Education & Training
2024 - Current
INEF - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM)PhD | Education & Sports Sciences
Postgraduate program that aims to train specialized researchers in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences field. It allows to develop skills for performance in scientific environments and competencies in instrumental skills, problem solving, scientific communication and teamwork in a research environment.

2022 - 2024
INEF - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM)MSc | Research in Physical Activity & Sports Sciences
Postgraduate program that aims to train specialized researchers in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences field. It allows to develop skills for performance in scientific environments and competencies in instrumental skills, problem solving, scientific communication and teamwork in a research environment.

2018 - 2020
Escuela de Negocios Europea de Barcelona (ENEB)Master | Digital Marketing & E-Commerce (Online) *Non-official
Training program that aims to prepare to lead projects in accordance with the surrounding digital environment, as well as complete knowledge about the most effective tools and techniques in the online field (Social Media, SEO, SEM, Analytics and Web Usability, Social Media, CRM, Mobile Marketing and eCommerce).

2017 - 2018
Centro de Estudios Garrigues (CEG)Executive Program | Sports Business Administration & Management
SBA in Sports Business & Law, specifically intended to train future sports industry professionals at global level on the most complex technical and current and coming up issues.
- Planning and management in sport
- Financial aspects of sport
- Marketing and Communication
- Legal aspects of sport

2016 - 20218
Escuela de Negocios Europea de Barcelona (ENEB)MBA | Business Administration (Online) *Non-official
Training program that aims to provide a strategic and global vision of a manager, as well as complete knowledge about the different departments of a company (Human Resources, Finance, Operations, Marketing, Sales and Commerce).

2012 - 2013
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (URJC)MEd | Bilingual Education in Primary Schools
Bilingual training program, whose methodology is suitable for those interested in dedicating their professional activity to teaching in bilingual educational school centers.

2009 - 2012
Universidad Complutense (UCM)/ESCUNIBEd | Primary Education & PE
Training program that enables the exercise of the profession of teacher in the compulsory educational stage (6-12 years), as established by Ley Orgánica 2/2006 and Orden ECI/3857/2007.

Languages & Certificates

Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE)

TKT: Content and Language Integrated Learning
Office Automation
Graphic Design
Social Networks
Digital Marketing

Management Skills
- Leadership
- Teamwork
- Team Management
- Communication
- Problem-Solving
- Entrepreneurship
- Time Management
- Marketing
- Social Media
- Sports Management
- Social Networking
- Flexibility

International Doping Control Officer Training Program

ADEL for Tokyo 2020 Olympics

FIFA Integrity (e-Learning)

Professional Sport Management

I Run Clean™